Hey George. Great summary of The Beginning of Infinity! It’s one of my favorite books.

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thats awesome....took me a bit to understand this one

what are you reading that you'd recommend?

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I'm mostly reading in the education / learning science domain because 1. it's the space I work in and 2. we have a 9-month-old daughter, so I'm thinking about - given the opportunity - how I could design the best education for her at each stage of her development. So my recommendations may not be that transferable. A general interest but also domain relevant book I'm reading at the moment is "Just Babies: The Origins of Good and Evil" by Paul Bloom. From the first weeks of our baby's life, it was amazing to see how much she was already herself. It's interesting to think about what she's rote mirroring and picking up from her environment and what's innate.

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>>how I could design the best education for her at each stage of her development.

^ worth studying

bought the book when you posted the comment, but just wanted to ty for the rec

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